Things You Didn’t Know About Detoxing.. the internal cleanse craze—and how to do it the healthy way.

The detoxing trend, as championed by certain members of the holistic wellness community, is it really having a moment while dietitians view it with a critical eye. We’d like to say make sure you do your research and clearly understand not all approaches are suitable for everyone. Some researchers will be quick to tell you, the trendy juice cleanse and its two week fasting processes are scientifically dubious and some methods of “detoxing” are healthier then others.

People often associate the term detoxification with alcohol, drug, and substance addiction, though it’s also a common method for losing weight: thus the catch phrase a diet detox. Put plain and simply, the aim of detoxification is to eliminate all the negative effects on the body from the environment: industrial chemicals, pesticides, additives in our food, secondary smoke, pollutants, and heavy metals included. The current trend for people is adopting internal detoxification—targeting organs like the kidneys and colon—to keep their body systems in peak condition. This is done with herbs, teas, a change of diet and a couple of different approaches:

Detoxification as a holistic way to keep your mind and body healthy. It can be applied to many different types of health plans. Some benefits include improving and/or reducing headaches and back pain, fighting against memory loss, strengthening your body against allergic reactions, and flushing dangerous chemicals out of your system. Another benefit of certain types of detoxing targets organs i.e. liver, kidney, and includes blood purification that wouldn’t occur on a regular diet. This approach stimulates the immune system, the hormonal system experiences a boost too thus reducing the body’s dependency on substances such as sugar, caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol.

Short-term detox is the most popular but often the least successful. For example, short-term detox programs which can include a 24-hour juice fasting, chelation therapy which is a treatment for removing heavy metals from the system, a colon cleansing commonly known as colonics, skin cleansing done with facial, and intravenous injections. Dangers in following any short-term fixes and trending fad diets is that they eliminate key nutrients from your diet, like juice fasting, without directions on how to counter-balance in other ways to meet your daily requirements. Bottom line is that it is never a good idea to deprive your body of protein or fiber of any nutrient for that matter.

As for colonics, doctors suggest that unless you’re undergoing a medical procedure like a colonoscopy, attempting the method for the purpose of detoxing is unnecessary and can be very harmful, increasing your risk of contracting infections and leading to bowel perforations.

Creating healthy habits over time will produce the best results. One of the better long-term detox programs is to focus on moderation rather than simply avoiding a food group, cutting out carbohydrates, or sweeteners, etc. A healthy lifestyle is born out of a collection of healthy habits, and creating a new habit takes time period. If you are approaching a lifestyle of change or weight loss with a program that you cannot follow for the rest of your life, you are are heading for failure.

Drinking fluids—water, vegetable and fruit juice, herbal tea—and taking vitamins or supplements can help to boost the immune system and keep your body regulated, while exercise such as yoga and tai chi and meditation to help regulate stress and energy levels, too have a proven track record. Take care of yourself with regular Alternative therapies—such as homeopathic remedies (natural medicines), Reiki, Massages and Acupuncture —are also popular ways to relieve stress and tension

Before starting at-home detox treatments, PURE recommends that those looking to seriously detox and improve their overall health and wellness receive a medical consultation for their detox needs first so they can truly discover the root of their symptoms and receive the best treatment regime. The below detox routines are good “starting off” points, but they will not produce long term results. Holistic healing is a process and not a onetime fix.

1) Epsom Bath Salts a favorite, while epsom salt baths can be a natural way to soothe the body and detox the skin, plus aid with muscle relaxation.
2) People hoping to curb sugar cravings, believe to increase their energy levels (zero sugar crashes to blame) and lose weight, too. A detox involves —killing all dessert options, sweetened beverages, and processed foods from ones menu.
3) A healthy balanced diet will natural detox the body with no special diet program.

Truly, the best way to protect your body from toxins .. eat a diet rich in the foods that can keep your digestive tract and organs healthy. Research has shown that when you feed your body right, build the immune system, your body is prepared for battle. Fruits, vegetables, high-quality protein, fiber-rich carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and probiotics all play a role in building a strong body from the inside out.

And if you’re really concerned about cleansing your colon of toxins, opt for the gut health by stimulating daily doses of pre & probiotics over epsom salt or lemon juice.  If that works for you… always.. always .. Study up!

Alternatives for Recovery to Addictions:

Reiki healing can and will assist in your journey to recover and restore your health and balance. Above all, if you are recovering from an addiction remember, forgive yourself and move forward is the true key to your success.


Reiki should not be considered a “cure” for alcoholism or addiction, nor replace traditional treatment, but it can assist with recovery and make it immensely more tolerable. In the same way that Reiki is used as a complementary treatment for disease, such as cancer, heart, respiratory and other disorders, it is a welcome addition to regular treatment and provides vital support to recovery efforts.

Alcoholism and addiction, whether to chemicals, food, nicotine, sex or people sets in motion a continual daily assault on the individual that is physical, mental and spiritual. Chemical dependency of any kind places a great deal of stress on body, emotion and spirit. Sufferers rarely eat or sleep well and are often too busy trying to “keep it together” to bother making even minimal efforts toward health and wellness. Maintaining a normal lifestyle in today’s busy fast paced stressful world, managing a home, a job, kids, coming out the COVID pandemic, and struggling economy is stressful enough for all of us.

Substance abuse or addiction multiplies the stress of day to day living many times over. Addicts have spent years, some decades damaging their physical and emotional selves. Coupled with the shame and embarrassment that accompanies addiction and the result is out of control emotional pain, serious depression, and devastating loss of self esteem.

Physical: Withdrawal symptoms can be unsettling or downright uncomfortable. Headaches, insomnia, muscle aches and pain, tremors, nausea, general anxiety and depression – all of these can be managed and reduced with the use of the gentle, noninvasive healing of Reiki.

Mental: Addiction is a downward spiral. Over time, those suffering with addiction will have convinced themselves that they are mentally weak, have no will power and are somehow inferior to other “normal” people. Negative self talk is a daily habit and toxic dialog will often run constantly in the mind. “You are such a loser, what is wrong with you? You can’t even manage to get through one day without….” Negative thoughts “play” continually like a bad soundtrack and hinder the recovery progress. It is vital to replace this with a constructive healthy alternative. Positive Reiki energy provides a very real sense of moving forward and taking important steps to recovery. With practice, negative self talk can be immediately caught and replaced with pure healing energy.

Spiritual: Addiction of any kind isolates and takes sufferers to a very dark, lonely place. Getting clean and sober is like coming back to the light. Finding new interests like Reiki or learning about crystals sparks our creative side and opens us up to experiences we never knew existed. Reiki will help release negative emotions, encourage self forgiveness and allow positive energy to flow and light to come in. Connecting to universal energy brings comfort and serves as a reminder that you are not alone.

A healing session or a self healing attunement of Reiki; can be especially helpful as it allows the recipient to practice self healing on a daily basis. The importance of this cannot be emphasized enough. Self healing will assist with treating the symptoms at the root cause. Poverty, abandonment, PTSD, mental/physical abuse, molestation or rape. These are some issues that caused the initially. It is fear, anxiety, hopelessness that drive an individual to pick up a substance to ease discomfort.

Well meaning physicians prescribe medication to treat the symptoms such as sleeplessness or anxiety and further compound the problem.Finding an alternate method to self medicating is essential. Use the power of Reiki energy and clear blocked energy that has occurred in the body over time along with the emotional healing Reiki offers, can be a powerful ally in releasing past trauma and healing the dis-ease that accompanies it.

Using crystals in combination with Reiki can enhance healing sessions. A stone (Amethyst) carried in a pocket, worn as bracelet or necklace, can be very comforting during stressful moments. Also crystals like citrine, carnelian and garnet are calming and support addiction. Black tourmaline is grounding and protects against negative energy. There are myriad of crystals to choose from. Finding the ones that work best for you is fun and interesting.

Reiki healing can and will assist in your journey to restore health and balance. Above all, if you are recovering from an addiction remember that you are a child of the universe and that you have a right to be here. Forgive yourself and move forward is the true key to your success.

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Crystals are powerful healing tools and you can us them to boost and help with your physical, emotional,spiritual, and financial health;and they can support your romantic life, help you and your children sleep better, amplify your healing and assist you in feeling happier and peaceful. Although they may seem like inert objects,crystals are both filled with energy and very much alive. They’re basically conduits of energy. That is why crystals are used in watches, radios, satellite communications and medical devices. Modern technology uses ancient natural crystals to boost radio waves and vibrational medicine using crystal energy.

Crystals are thought of as “new age” but they are not. They have always been a part of our old planet for a long time. Crystal Children (sensitive to crystal energy and/or psychic babies) are showing a knowledge wisdom that comes from the many lifetimes that crystals serve as jewelry, healing tools and have inhabitant of this plant for a long time. They are associated with ancient wisdom and heavenly caverns of mystery. Why? Because crystals are record-keepers of memories and knowledge about the earth’s spiritual healing energy and are members of the mineral kingdom in the physical world. We are entering into a new phase in our relationship with earth when working with crystal therapy.

If you believe, like I do, God is omnipresent everywhere thus the Creator is within the crystals. Crystals have a spirit that is alive and vibrates, all good and the desire to bring joy, healing and happiness to earth.Crystal therapy is an intuitive way of working with stones to effectively heal or enhance the energy flow for healing. When you work with stones you evoke the angel energy and guidance by channeling the divine light through you body. Clearly understand and keep in your mind that your intention stated by your tone will be the outcome and the crystal amplifies that energy. So the old adage, “ the power of positive think” holds very true here so be careful with your underlying intentions. Before you begin, take the time to center and quiet your mind and body. Ask yourself then “What are my intentions with this
crystal?” Ego-based intentions can block healing.

Let the light and love flow through you into the crystal and allow healing.For more on Crystal Healing feel free to Google or go to For recommended reading material, I suggest “Crystal Therapy, How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy” by Doreen Virture, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski.

Alternative Health Options

The healing arts of energy is moving into the alternative health care options quickly,powerfully and none to soon.

The healing arts of energy is moving into the alternative health care options quickly, powerfully and none to soon. We as a society, have come to the end of our journey in medicine totally relying on western medicine alone that focuses on illness. Today and the internet, we can educate ourselves of options we can try rather then optimizing other health care option that identifies causes and effects related to how our mind, body and spirit are profoundly related in our overall well-being. Many of us were raised and brought up into adulthood thinking that the conventional medicine, drugs and surgery are the healing elements we have to use. This doesn’t become meaningful until after we’ve become sick and told there are no options for you but pills or live in pain. The old paradigm is breaking down before our eyes as a new one begins, and happily; one moving towards our ancient roots, energy healing and old home remedies.

Doing due diligence, be aware just like western medicine the healing arts has it’s share of good, not so good and burned out practitioners. The healing process requires you to have faith and trust your practitioner. The various healing modalities available to you is that of preference and understanding that the art of healing begins with the connection of your inner essences that can support the body’s own healing abilities and not a cure for physical ailments. Some have defined energy healing as a spiritual practice and it truly has no religious connection. The practitioner understands the empowerment of higher-frequencies of healing energy and activates a channel to higher levels of consciousness that are associated with their energy then delivers using one of the healing modalities should it be from acupuncture, acupressure, REIKI, Quantum Touch@, Shamanic, crystal therapy, aromatherapy to name a few. Trust your practitioner. Your practitioner will connect to you intuitively in channeling the energy from their source to you.

PURE addresses the biological process at the energetic foundation, giving to methods that are practical,noninvasive and optimizes health as well as countering illness. Your practitioner works with you to empower your self with effective methods for back home self-care and integrates mind, body and spirit.And it is available today, and you don’t have to wait in line to have access to it. You don’t have to wait to get on a path of healthy living, improving your quality of life.