
Cupping therapy has been around since ancient times. It’s an alternative treatment in which the therapist uses cups and places them on a person’s skin. People agree to this treatment to alleviate inflammation or pain in the body. Some also claim that it’s relaxing. It helps with the flow of blood, and it’s similar to deep-tissue massage. This therapy is becoming more popular nowadays. But a lot of people don’t know that it’s been around for centuries.

Cupping is very beneficial to the body. Here are some scientifically proven benefits of this ancient alternative medicine treatment:

1 – Cupping therapy is a great way to eliminate weakness in the body.Through this treatment, a person can recover from fatigue and weakness. This is done by opening the nerves which have become stiff. When this happens, blood is released to the parts of the body which need it most.
2 – Cupping therapy is also a great way to treat fever. It’s one of the purposes of the treatment since the ancient times.
3 – Fights against dermatological diseases. People who have different skin diseases may also benefit from cupping therapy. These diseases may include acne, herpes, abscess, boils, and even pimples. Can be used to reduce aging of the face and assist body to produce collagen.
4 – Cupping therapy is also helpful in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and illnesses. The body has three major powerhouses. These are the intestines, the spleen, and the stomach.
5 – Improves blood circulation -t helps enhance blood flow by making the veins stronger.
6 – Cupping therapy also happens to be a scientifically proven treatment for rheumatic diseases. Instead of taking medication, one can also opt for this kind of treatment.
7 – Cupping therapy is also beneficial to the nervous system. Nowadays, a lot of diseases and disorders in the nervous system are becoming more and more common.

Side Effects: Cupping may sometimes cause temporary marks on the skin. This is because the blood in the body is brought to the skin’s surface. It’s like getting bruises. People who have hemophilia or other similar diseases aren’t advised to have this kind of treatment done. If a person wants to try it despite having such diseases, he should first consult with a trained therapist or with his physician.


Crystals are powerful healing tools and you can us them to boost and help with your physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial health; and they can support your romantic life, help you and your children sleep better, amplify your healing and assist you in feeling happier and peaceful.  Although they may seem like inert objects, crystals are both filled with energy and very much alive.  They’re basically conduits of energy.  That is why crystals are used in watches, radios, satellite communications and medical devices.  Modern technology uses ancient natural crystals to boost radio waves and vibrational medicine using crystal energy.

Crystals are thought of as “new age” but they are not.  They have always been a part of our old planet for a long time.  Crystal Children (sensitive to crystal energy and/or psychic babies) are showing a knowledge wisdom that comes from the many lifetimes that crystals serve as jewelry, healing tools and have inhabitant of this plant for a long time.  They are associated with ancient wisdom and heavenly caverns of mystery.  Why? Because crystals are record-keepers of memories and knowledge about the earth’s spiritual healing energy and are members of the mineral kingdom in the physical world.  We are entering into a new phase in our relationship with earth when working with crystal therapy.

If you believe, like we do, God is omnipresent everywhere thus the Creator is within the crystals. Crystals have a spirit that is alive and vibrates, all good and the desire to bring joy, healing and happiness to earth.  Crystal therapy is an intuitive way of working with stones to effectively heal or enhance the energy flow for healing.  When you work with stones you evoke the angel energy and guidance by channeling the divine light through you body.   Clearly understand and keep in your mind that your intention stated by your tone will be the outcome and the crystal amplifies that energy.  So the old adage, “ the power of positive think” holds very true here so be careful with your underlying intentions.  Before you begin, take the time to center and quiet your mind and body.  Ask yourself then “What are my intentions with this crystal?”  Ego-based intentions can block healing.  Let the light and love flow through you into the crystal and allow healing.

For more on Crystal Healing feel free to Google or go to  For recommended reading material, we suggest “Crystal Therapy, How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy” by Doreen Virture, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski.


First lists talk about what REIKI is. It is pronounced RAY KEY. Reiki is a simple, natural method that promotes healing.

Reiki is a Japanese technique that is safe and works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promotes recovery. It reduces stress and promotes relaxation of the body to empower the healing process. It is administered by “laying on the hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us an is what makes us alive. When your energy levels are low, we are more apt to get sick or feel stressed. Higher energy levels we are more capable of being happy and more healthy.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that can help alleviate physical, emotional, mental and stress. It is a form of complementary natural healing tool used by trained practitioners in helping ‘tune-up’ your energy to it’s healthiest state allowing for healing to take place. This just one of several alternatives where marrying the eastern culture of and western cultures of medicine can manifest miraculous results. Reiki is not tied to any religion or particular spiritual belief and can never cause harm.

So what happens in a Reiki Session? During a session, the client lies down or is seated fully clothed. The practitioner next places her/his hands on or above the body and allow the REIKI to radiate from their hands into you. Reiki can help to greatly reduce alleviate chronic pain and stress which is a leading cause of disease and illnesses. In addition, Reiki can help alleviate the side effects of cancer patients undergoing cancer treatments and I have provide that link to the website in the Other Resource section of this website.Reiki can help relieve addiction and ease the physical withdrawals felt from chemical dependencies.There are also studies underway to test the affect of Reiki on autism patients and other similar disorders.

Tuning Forks for Sound Therapy

Like adjusting a piano, your body can be tuned to achieve optimal physical balance. Tapping two tuning forks will instantaneously alter your body’s biochemistry and bring your nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance. In seconds … your body enters a deep state of relaxation. Feeling centered, your mind will be at peace…

Why are so many people using our Tuning Forks?

  • Provides instantaneous, deep state of relaxation
  • Improves mental clarity and brain functioning
  • Increases your level of physical energy and mental concentration
  • Relieves stress by drawing your body into a centered space
  • Develops and refines your sonic abilities
  • Enhances massage, acupressure, dreamwork and meditation
  • Brings your nervous system into balance
  • Integrates left and right brain thought patterns

How Tuning Forks Are Used

Tuning forks were originally used to tune musical instruments because they emanate perfect sine wave sound patterns that allow you to fine-tune instruments to the proper pitch.

When you strike a tuning fork however, you’ll notice how it causes the air around the fork to vibrate, sending out very strong vibrating impulses through the air. Because of this, they have been adopted by healers who use them to increase the amount of energy on parts of the body they are trying to heal.

All you do is strike a fork and place it near any body part you wish to heal. They are also used in energetic healing, for example, by putting them in the vicinity of the different chakras or energy centers located along the spine. These energy centers also just happen to be where the nerve centers are found along the spine that send impulses to the different organs, so by energizing these areas, you stimulate the organs into greater health-giving activity.  The same goes for applying a fork to one of the main bio-merdian paths shown in this diagram.