
Cupping therapy has been around since ancient times. It’s an alternative treatment in which the therapist uses cups and places them on a person’s skin. People agree to this treatment to alleviate inflammation or pain in the body. Some also claim that it’s relaxing. It helps with the flow of blood, and it’s similar to deep-tissue massage. This therapy is becoming more popular nowadays. But a lot of people don’t know that it’s been around for centuries.

Cupping is very beneficial to the body. Here are some scientifically proven benefits of this ancient alternative medicine treatment:

1 – Cupping therapy is a great way to eliminate weakness in the body.Through this treatment, a person can recover from fatigue and weakness. This is done by opening the nerves which have become stiff. When this happens, blood is released to the parts of the body which need it most.
2 – Cupping therapy is also a great way to treat fever. It’s one of the purposes of the treatment since the ancient times.
3 – Fights against dermatological diseases. People who have different skin diseases may also benefit from cupping therapy. These diseases may include acne, herpes, abscess, boils, and even pimples. Can be used to reduce aging of the face and assist body to produce collagen.
4 – Cupping therapy is also helpful in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and illnesses. The body has three major powerhouses. These are the intestines, the spleen, and the stomach.
5 – Improves blood circulation -t helps enhance blood flow by making the veins stronger.
6 – Cupping therapy also happens to be a scientifically proven treatment for rheumatic diseases. Instead of taking medication, one can also opt for this kind of treatment.
7 – Cupping therapy is also beneficial to the nervous system. Nowadays, a lot of diseases and disorders in the nervous system are becoming more and more common.

Side Effects: Cupping may sometimes cause temporary marks on the skin. This is because the blood in the body is brought to the skin’s surface. It’s like getting bruises. People who have hemophilia or other similar diseases aren’t advised to have this kind of treatment done. If a person wants to try it despite having such diseases, he should first consult with a trained therapist or with his physician.

ACUPRESSURE a Self Treatment

Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers pressing on key points on the body to stimulate natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood.  This is a body’s life force to aid healing. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses the gentle but firm pressure of hands (and even feet).

There is a massive amount of scientific data that demonstrates why and how acupuncture is effective. But acupressure, the older of the two traditions. Then the Chinese developed more technological methods for stimulating points with needles and electricity. Acupressure, continues to be the most effective method for self-treatment of tension-related ailments by using the power and sensitivity of the human hand.

The advantages of acupressure’s healing touch is that it is safe to do on yourself and others – even if you’ve never done it before – so long as you follow the instructions and pay attention to the cautions. There are no side effects from drugs, because there are no drugs. And the only equipment needed are your own two hands. You can practice acupressure therapy any time, anywhere.

Areas of pressure can be applied:

  • Bend of the elbow in the area where blood is drawn
  • Between the muscle area between the thumb and pointer finger
  • Just below the below the knee cap
  • Just behind the knee and just below the knee cap
  • Just above the heel of the foot