Listen to what others are saying about PURE.
Author: Theresa
These days juicing is getting serious attention. The challenge is the implementation of a juicing plan into you daily life routine. If you give yourself 10 days of the routine and having been living a juicing routine, I am convinced that juicing is the final key to giving radiant and an energetic life. We have been told over and over that valuable and sensitive micro nutrients become damaged when cook vegetables. And if you avoid all processed foods and if you can not eat only organic vegetables and fruits, the commercial ones will do but up the volume intake to increase the nutrient value ; your bodies pH levels restore themselves.
Virtually every health book and health authority recommends that we get 6-8 servings of vegetables and fruits per day and how many of us actually really get that. Juicing is an easy way to virtually guarantee that you will reach your daily vegetables.
For those who are over weight, have high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol it is best to limit juicing using fruits unless you have normalize these conditions. (It is very important that you tell your doctor you are doing this so your blood levels can be monitored. VERY IMPORTANT. )The exception to this rule of thumb would be lemons and limes which have virtually none of the offending sugar, fructose, that causes most of the metabolic complications. I have found that lemons or limes are amazing at eliminating the bitter taste of the dark deep leafy green vegetables that provide most of the benefits of juicing.
Here are a few main reasons to consider vegetable juicing into your diet:
#1… Juicing extracts and helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. This is important because most of us have poor digestion as a result a bad diet and poor food choices over many years. This prevents our body’s ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Juicing will help to “pre-digest” them for you, so you will receive most of the nutrition, rather than having it go down the toilet.
#2…Juicing allows you to efficiently consume vegetables. If you are a heavy carbs eater, (THAT WAS ME) then it is suggested that you eat 1lb. of raw vegetables per 50 lbs of body weight per day. Some people may find eating that many vegetables difficult, but it can be easily accomplished with a quick glass of vegetable juice. So if your weight is 200 lbs. the recommended amount of vegetables is 4 lbs.
#3… Your intake of juice will add more vegetables into your diet. Many people eat the same vegetable salads every day. This goes against the principle of regular food rotation thus increases your chance of developing a allergy food. But with juicing, you can juice a wide variety of vegetables that you may not normally enjoy eating whole.
Now If you are new to juicing, I recommend a mid-priced juicer and stainless steal is worth the additional cost. The cheap centrifugal juicers break easily, produce low quality juice, and are very loud. You get what you pay for when it comes to juicers. Enjoy !!
The Color of Your Food or Juice
Remember back in the days of Homemake classes and you carried the 5-pound bag of flour and you learned about your food groups and eating? A lot can be said for nutritional characteristics of fruit and vegetables but hard to remember all the things they can do for you. One way to help understanding the healing elements for fruits and vegetables, juices and foods is to remember what the colors they represent.
RED FOOD — speeds up circulation, creates energy, fire, yang energy (Chinese medicine), and heats up your body including hands and feet. These would be tomatoes, cherries, red cabbage, red peppers, and hot spicy peppers; cranberry, watermelon, radish, wheat and rye are just a few examples.
ORANGE FOOD — is excellent for pains and cramps. It helps strengthen the lungs in allergy seasons. It is also good for emotionally opening up your joy and expansiveness. It promotes vitality and mental clarity. Oranges, carrots, apricots, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds and sesame are some examples.
GREEN FOOD — is a detox, a blood cleanser, bactericide and natural tranquilizer. All green leafy vegetables and sprouts, wheatgrass, avocado, etc. are examples.
YELLOW FOOD — is a stimulant, gets you going faster in the morning. It strengthens the nerves, digestion and helps constipation. Lemon, lime, pineapple, grapefruit, apple, peach, banana, papaya, mango, corn, squash, butter are some examples.
BLUE FOOD — is for headaches, spiritual, and mental work. It is yin and cooling. Blueberry, plum, grape, potato, celery, parsnip, asparagus, and nuts.
Humans through out history have relied on natural remedies before the invention or modern medicine and synthetic drugs. Today, with the number of side affects to prescription drugs and over the counter self mediations; people are now rekindling the lost art of home remedies that our ancestries used.
Most common ailments have known treatments with ingredients found in your own kitchen. And research has discovered thousands of healing nutrients in the foods that we eat every day. Clinical researchers at leading universities have found that the naturally occurring properties in foods have the healing powers to cure common ailments, with minimal risk of side effects, and without paying the enormous cost of prescription drugs. Home remedies work quickly and safely and is generally effective for people who use them.
To make your own home remedies from your home all you need is the working knowledge of what to use, ingredients and someone to show or tell you how to prepare the natural remedies. You will found many books written on the subject and many websites with some well known natural cures. YouTube is another good source.
Natural remedies are usually effective for treating minor infections, and at the same time, strengthen the body’s immune system, help with hair loss, acne breakouts, dandruff, and promote healing and mending of aches, pains, wounds and burns.
You can make your own mouthwash, toothpaste or whitener for your teeth, even how to regrow a tooth with a cavity and heal common gum disease. You can make a home remedy to cure digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation or indigestion. Use a home remedy to relieve cough, heal lung congestion or to speed recover from the flu. Make a natural gargle that calms or soothes sore throats or even mix natural throat spray that can be used for the treatment of asthma.
Natural remedies are not only effective to treat ailments. Natural remedies can also be used as a cleanser to treat outward skin conditions such as acne and wrinkles; to help make age spots disappear, or formulate your our cure to reduce varicose veins or stretch marks. Trying making your own natural antiseptic spray to help eliminate the dermatitis or kill bacteria from cuts and scratches to prevent infections or heal blisters.
Study it! Do your homework, because as you research a natural cure for your particular ailment, you will see that there are many proven home remedies to cure many common ailments. Experiment with different natural remedies to find the ones that work best for your condition. You don’t need to only rely on drugs that are potentially damaging for your body and can cost you a lot of money to treat all your ailments when home remedies using natural herbs, spices and foods are all around you right at your home kitchen that saves you money and is good for your body.
Here are some basic home remedies:
Arthritis or joint pain: Turmeric is a bright yellow herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine across India and China for 2,000 years. Anecdotal evidence shows it’s useful in treating inflammation of the soft tissue in arthritis cases. Try a turmeric tea, or sprinkle it over your food when cooking.
Asthma: Some suffers have found that upping their intake of fish oil and Vitamin C helped relieve symptoms. Why not get your doctor’s advice, and then give it a try?
Bad breath: If you find yourself avoiding getting up-close with people for fear of your own bad breath–and brushing and flossing twice daily does nothing to help, try this. Oil pulling fans swear by the technique’s ability to freshen breath for way longer than an Altoid or packet of gum. Simply swish around a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes each day before cleaning your teeth.
Burns, Sooth a burn: If you grazed your skin with a hot-from-the-oven cookie pan, apply aloe vera gel (if using the plant squeeze from a leave from plant) to the burn as needed. The soothing and anti-inflammatory gel creates a second skin to protect the burn from air, which irritates exposed nerve endings.
#1 Mix: 3 drops of Oil of Oregano and a ¼ cup of warm water
Mix well and drink it every morning and in the late evening.
#2 Mix: Indulge in a square or two of dark chocolate. Researchers found that chocolate’s theobromine compound is more effective than codeine at suppressing persistent coughs without the side effects of drowsiness and constipation.
To calm a nagging cough that keeps you awake at night, take 2 teaspoons of honey (1 to 2 teaspoons for kids; don’t give to children younger than 1), along with 500 mg of Ester C 30 minutes before bed. The vitamin C (nonacidic Ester type won’t upset stomachs) boosts the immune system in the early stages of your cough. Research shows that honey works better than either a cough suppressant or no treatment at all for relieving children’s nocturnal cough and promoting sleep.
Quiet flatulence: Take two enteric-coated peppermint capsules (500 mg each) three times daily. Peppermint kills bacteria that cause bloating and relaxes gastrointestinal muscles for smoother, spasm-free digestion. The enteric coating prevents capsules from opening in the stomach and increasing discomfort by causing heartburn and indigestion. The peppermint releases and goes to work lower in the gastrointestinal tract, where gas-plagued people need it mos
Stifle hiccups: Swallow 1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar. The dry granules stimulate and reset the irritated nerve that is causing the spasms of the diaphragm. Any coarse substance, such as salt, can work in a pinch, but sugar tastes best.
Soothe a sore throat: Gargle twice daily with a solution of six pressed garlic cloves mixed into a glass of warm (not hot) water. Follow the regimen for 3 days. Research shows that fresh garlic juice has antimicrobial properties that fight pain-causing bacteria. The warm liquid soothes inflamed tissue.
Quell nausea: Try frozen ginger chips. First, infuse fresh ginger in hot water. Strain, then freeze the concoction in ice cube trays. Crush the cubes and suck the icy chips throughout the day to provide your tummy with a steady soothing dribble. Ginger’s antinausea properties are particularly effective during pregnancy or after surgery.
Another option is drinking warm peppermint or ginger tea at the time nausea begins.
AND other tummy troubles: Studies suggest that basil, can keep your gut safe from pain, nausea, cramping, or diarrhea by killing off bacteria. Drinking daily a cup of Holy Basil tea will sooth the stomach.
Anxiety/Stress: Next time you feel stressed, reach for a banana, a medium banana fills you up, provides a mild blood sugar boost, and has 30% of the daily dose of vitamin B6, which helps the brain produce serotonin which helps you through a crisis peacefully.
If you suffer from anxiety, it could pay off to try meditation before you start popping pills–here’s how. Chronic stress has been linked to people with increased risk of Heart Disease, weight gain, sleep problems, and memory and concentration impairment. In studies, daily meditation has also been proven to help manage the symptoms of anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, depression, heart disease, and cancer. Translation: Meditation actually works, so you should try it.
Hangover: Coconut water is a powerful hydrator–which is key after a big night out drinking–and has five electrolytes our bodies need: Potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium. The body also loses potassium when you drink alcohol, and bananas will help you to replenish.
Headaches : Acupuncture has been used to treat headaches since the beginnings of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Peppermint oil is often applied to the skin to help relieve a headache. When it’s applied to the skin at the temples, peppermint oil can cause surface warmth, which relieves pain beneath the skin. It can also be used in a diffuser for prevented measures.
Heartburn: Chamomile can ease digestive inflammation, spasms, and gas. Steep 2 teaspoons of the herb, or 1 tea bay in very hot water for 20 minutes, covering the cup to keep the essential oils in the water. You may have to drink the tea a few times a day for complete relief.
High blood pressure: Sixty raisins—about a generous handful—contain fiber and potassium, both recommended in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. Numerous studies show that foods such as raisins, wine, and juice are effective in maintaining cardiovascular health, including bringing down blood pressure.
High cholesterol: One medium pear has fiber, much of it in the form of pectin, which helps flush out bad cholesterol, a risk factor in heart disease.
Preventing kidney stones: Eight dried apricot halves have fiber, sodium, and potassium—all of which help keep minerals from accumulating in urine and forming calcium oxalate stones, the most common type of kidney stones
PMS: Magnesium is key in easing PMS symptoms for many women. It helps calm and relax the body, which helps with cramps. Look to foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, and greens like spinach and broccoli, for a natural dose of magnesium.
Toenail fungus: Officially, the jury is out on this one. However tea tree oil is thought to be effective against several fungus species, and there’s plenty of buzz on the blogosphere about the oil’s ability.
Weak, brittle nails: Massage coconut oil into your nails. Ditch the artificial additives in drug store moisturizers for natural coconut oil.
Dry and flakey skin: Not only is it cheaper than anything in the beauty aisle, honey softens and moisturizes dry skin, and can be applied directly to problem areas.
Period pain: Hot water bottles, painkillers, and stretching are all common ways to relieve period pain, but here’s one you probably haven’t heard of: Vitamin D. Take ultra-high dose of Vitamin D five days before their next expected period.
Vertigo: Basil is a traditional aromatherapy treatment for vertigo: Add leaves to the boiling water and breath in the steam to help with vertigo or diffuse basil oil in the room.
If mediation brings to mind robed & turban monks in a far-away monastery on top of a mountain, stripped of any earthly possessions—you may be over thinking this! Meditation is available to everyone and anyone who is striving to reconnect with a simpler, more peaceful and less stressful way of life.
While it’s certainly true that concentration is a byproduct of regular meditation practice—we don’t actually use concentration to meditate. It’s quite the opposite! Meditation asks us to block out, or limit, mental chatter that can be so overwhelming (i.e., pending appointments, all the chores you need to do, the work piling up at hone or the office, etc.).
Meditation is about letting go of earthly obligations, and taking a moment of relaxation in stillness and silence so that you can concentrate better when you are dealing with the stresses of life.
If you fear that meditation is a way of running away from life’s problems—think again! Rather, meditation provides the tools to face and overcome life’s problems (i.e., fear, anxiety, and panic). Mediation practice also teaches us to accept life and people for what and who they are, and provides the inner strength necessary to live in the present with
Meditation is like exercise and/or like food—there really is a type of mediation to match every goal and taste. So if you have trouble sitting alone in a silent room and blocking out all earthly distractions (a Zen-style of meditation), try exploring other types of meditation—such as breathing mediation, Tai Chi or Qi Gong exercise, visualization exercises, or even a simple walking meditation that challenges you to be present as
you walk, focus on your surroundings, and feel the energy and benefit of exercise on your body and mind.
Blocking out the chaotic thoughts and negative talk in your life can be challenging, and like anything else, practice makes perfect. That’s why no one person is so bad at mediating that they should throw in the towel. We make it a point never to judge a meditation practice by the time and quality of my meditation. Instead, we consider the after affects of ones practice—for instance, did your clear you mind and get more work done or perhaps you slept better.
Most of us would claim that we don’t have time to add extra obligations to our day. However, even if your spare time is rare, you can benefit from taking a few minutes to unplug and relax. Try leaving the office for a 10-minute walk to forget about work and clear your head, or escape to a gentle yoga class over lunch and return more energetic and focused. Those who say they have no time to meditate can usually benefit the most from a brief time out.
In order to meditate for even 10-minutes you need to take a bit of time for yourself. For many, that might be considered selfish when it’s time you could be studying, finishing that work report, or spending time with your kids or spouse. If a brief moment of meditation seems self-indulgent to you; consider the effect it will have on others when you return more focused, calm, happier, and able to devote your whole attention to them.
The goal of any type of mediation is to help you live and experience the now, including the emotions that come from present experience. The idea that meditation strips us of real emotions is contrary. Rather, meditation practice teaches us to be more in tune with our emotions, our goals, and helps us to disengage from unhealthy negative talk, and emotionally draining people and situations.
(Size limited to 10 people, Contributions welcomed)
Location: 526 S Conkling Street, Baltimore, Maryland
Date/Time: Every Wednesday at 7:00-8:00 pm
Note: Bring pillow, blanket and yoga mat. Onsite supplies limited and first come first served. Space is limited, strongly suggest you call and RSVP.